
歡迎您來到Des Moines華人基督徒团契的網站。我們是一群不分宗派、福音信仰的基督徒所組成的团契。無論您的年鼀、背景、工作或使用的 語言,我們都非常樂意地與您分享真理的教導和基督徒的友情。 我們团契自1976年成立迄今,設立的目的是為了敬拜事奉真神、造就關懷信徒、宣揚基督福音、及服務Des Moines地区的華人和朋友。 假如您正在尋找一個教會,我們誠摯地邀請您來參加我們的聚會,並且我們也希望您能在我們团契中,找到溫暖及真誠的屬靈大家庭。

Welcome to the Des Moines Chinese Christian Fellowship homepage! We are a non-denominational, evangelical, Bible-believing Chinese fellowship. Even though 'Chinese' is part of our name, we welcome all to come join us in fellowship, regardless of race, age, language or profession. Our fellowship was established in 1976, with the objective of developing Christian followers who worship the true God, build up and care for one another, spread the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost world, and minister to those in need within the Des Moines metropolitan area. If you are looking for a church home, we cordially invite you to visit us and hope you will find a warm and genuine church family here.